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A Poptext buff.png buff is a status effect that can be applied on heroes to increase one or more of their stats or resistances. The presence of a buff is indicated by a double upward blue arrow under the affected target. The opposite of buffs are debuffs.

List of buffing skills


List of buffing camping skills


Applying buffs

A buff can be applied through skills in a battle, curio interactions, town events, or through camping skills. Duration of buffs are decreased by 1 at the end of a Heroes turn. Buffs applied through camping skills last for the next 4 combats (counting the night ambush if there is one). Curio buffs last the longest, as they remain until the next camp.

Making use of buffs in combat

By themselves, buffs are rather not useful, as a character usually has to wait until the next turn to make use of them, making them effectively skip a turn. That's why most buffs in the game ether apply to a whole party, deal small amount of damage to finish an enemy off, cure other status effects or have a health or stress heal to go with them. It's an important strategic choice when to apply buffs and when to push for damage.

See Also