Items in Black Reliquary consist of Provisions, Loot and Trinkets.
The various Loot items in Black Reliquary can be obtained after defeating monsters or finding them in curios. These are items of high value which are sold for gold upon returning to The Flameseeker.
Loot is seperated into two classes: Generic Loot and Effect Loot.
Generic Loot
Most loot items in Black Reliquary have changed in value and in stack size. Due to the current stack values of items, it is now more useful to carry gemstones and other valuables instead of Gold.
Generic gems are now found in groups of 4 by difficulty: Citrine, Jade, Oxyx, Emerald / Jade, Oxyx, Emerald, Sapphire / Oxyx, Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby.
Gold greases palms, builds empires and instigates murder.
Yellow like fading hope.
Gold Value: 400 Stack Value: 2,400
Dull green like rotting flesh.
Gold Value: 550 Stack Value: 2,750
Black like endless night.
Gold Value: 750 Stack Value: 3,750
Green like molten envy.
Gold Value: 1,000 Stack Value: 5,000
Blue like strangled dreams.
Gold Value: 1,350 Stack Value: 6,750
Red like blazing lust.
Gold Value: 1,750 Stack Value: 8,750
Kvarotz Daric
Extravagant riches exchanged by the Kvarotz upper class.
Gold Value: 250 Stack Value: 5,000
Facade of the Formless*
The most exotic material ever conceived by the Kvarotz before their downfall. Fetches a hefty price.
Gold Value: 4,500
Minor Antique**
A minor collectible, worth money in bunches.
Gold Value: 400 Stack Value: 8,000
Rare Antique**
A valuable find!
Gold Value: 1,250 Stack Value: 6,250
Kill Confirmation***
A collected piece of a fallen target. Bring back to claim your reward!
Encased Troglodyte****
A troglodyte hatchling, frozen in time by the amber.
Gold Value: 1,500
Amber Residue
A congealed amber slurry.
When Used:
Buff Target:
+10% DMG
+5% CRT
+10% Damage Taken
*The Facade of the Formless is a Boss loot from defeating the Kvarotz Otekh.
**Antiques will only appear if there is an Antiquarian present in the party.
***The Bounty loot is exclusively gained after an Enemy is slain with the Bounty Hunter while he is wearing his Contraband trinket. Additionally, harder difficulties yield higher amounts of Bounties.
****The Encased Troglodyte is obtained exclusively from an extremely rare Amber Curio in the Caverns.
Extracts are a unique sub-class of generic loot which is specifically and uniquely obtained from the effects of the Perfumer's Needle. Extracts depend on the region wherein the expedition is currently taking place in, and has various different effects. It is a consumable kind of item which bestows various negative effects to the enemy party during a battle, but, unlike effect loot, do not bestow effects (negative or positive) while unconsumed in the inventory.
Ancient Extract
The concentrated essence of a primordial being.
When Used:
Debuff Enemy Party: -15% All Status Skill Chance
Decrepit Extract
A liquid derived from the shadows of the Catacombs.
When Used:
Debuff Enemy Party: -20% PROT, +5% Crits Received
Living Extract
The corrupted essence of twisted vegetation.
When Used:
Debuff Enemy Party: -30% Healing Received, -30% Blight Resist
Rabid Extract
The raw essence of rage condensed into a serum.
When Used:
Debuff Enemy Party: -5 ACC, -5% CRT
Effect Loot
Effect Loot is a new class of loot item added in Black Reliquary. This type of loot introduces passive effects to your party while remaining in your inventory. These effects can be positive or negative.
Dune Lily
The amber-infused nectar in these lilies fills the air with an invigorating scent!
Gold Value: 550 Stack Value: 2,750 Passive Effects: +4 ACC +2% CRT +10% Debuff/Mark Resist
Glassblown Fang
A clump of glass has been reshaped into a malicious spearhead.
Gold Value: 4,500 Passive Effects: On Melee Hit: Buff Self: +10% DMG (2 tns)
Vitrified Skull
This fragmented human skull has been reconstructed using glass.
Gold Value: 4,500 Passive Effects: On Mystical Hit: Buff Self: +8 ACC (2 tns)
Shredding Stars
These shards of glass are fused together into splintering hazards.
Gold Value: 4,500 Passive Effects: On Ranged Hit: Buff Self: +5% CRT (2 tns)
Totem of Wails*
This ancient treasure won't stop making noise!
Gold Value: 1,000 Passive Effects: +10% Chance Party Surprised +33% Chance of being Ambushed
Profane Tablet*
These disturbing descriptions carry an aura of dread.
Gold Value: 1,375 Passive Effects: +4 ACC -5% Scouting Chance
Gemini Sacrificer*
Every part of this ritualistic dagger is razor-sharp!
Gold Value: 1,875 Passive Effects: On Attack Hit: Bleed Self: 3 pts/1 tn (70% Base, +20% Per Diff)
Umbral Rosary*
Despair permeates the air around the electrum beads.
Gold Value: 2,500 Passive Effects: -35% Virtue Chance -15% Stress Healing Received
Corona of Torment*
Death follows bearers of the black crown!
Gold Value: 3,250 Passive Effects: -10% Max HP -14% Deathblow Resist
Marbled Sun*
This perfectly spherical stone hides a horrible power...
Gold Value: 4,125 Passive Effects: +20% Stress Received -4 SPD
*The Maligned Vestiges are exclusively obtained from defeating Cactonids and will always drop from Maligned Cactonids or the Essence of Malignity contraband.
Main article: Relics
Relics are the overhauled Heirlooms from the base game of Darkest Dungeon. Their main usage is upgrading buildings on The Flameseeker and being a secondary resource for side decks. Additionally, some of the relics can be used as currency for vendors within dungeons and as well as ship activities. There are six different relics in total.
The currency of the Kvarotz society, comprised of electrum.
Valor Mark
Wildlander tokens denoting one's strength and accomplishments.
A mystical substance flowing from the Reliquary into the valley.
Refined Amber Dust
Carefully extracted and ground into a fine powder, this refined luxury is worth its weight in gold...
Lost Tek
Old Ostvengr Tek, from before the collapse of the empire...
- Though unused, there is an image of a new extract within the game files for another area, presumably the Black Reliquary.