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"Filthy and perilous as these tunnels may be, there is plunder left to be found. Collect what you are able."

The Caverns are dark and cold passageways home to the Troglodytes (or Trogs for short). Tough environmental conditions and centuries of utilizing Amber made human slaves of the fallen Kvarotz Empire devolve into terrible, unintelligent beasts retaining only a mere fraction of their culture, twisting their humanity into something disturbingly uncanny. Individually, such Troglodytes are quite weak, however their strength comes in numbers.

This region is your prime source of Amber. The nature of Amber-hungry flameseeker activities makes this region the lifeblood of your expedition. Getting as much amber as possible should be your #1 priority when delving into the deep.

What to expect from this dungeon?

  • The layout of Caverns is pretty much its signature at this point. It generates as a large set of rooms with one-tile hallways connecting them. Just one tile between them. It allows for this region to have the most amount of fights of all.
  • Another signature mechanic of this region is the new Swarm enemy type: these small enemies summon an ally on the third turn, essentially making them a 2-for-1 enemy pack. This also doubles their HP pool and heals. Try to kill swarmers as quickly as possible.
  • A lot of enemies use amber-dependant abilities here. Getting Amberblight on some of your heroes is a common occurrence.
  • Trogs are squishy, but VERY fast (and i mean jester-level of fast here) and incredibly evasive. Their carapaces also tend to protect them from DoT effects, so both blight and bleed teams are not really recommended here. Some troglodytes also have reasonable PROT.
  • All Troglodytes ignore Stealth. Completely. Glass cannon Grave Robber is probably not a good choice.
  • Mark teams, however, shine in this region. Characters like Bounty Hunter and Occultist help a lot to debuff protection and dodge.
  • Diseases are everywhere. A lot of moves trogs use have a chance of infecting your character, so make sure to bring as much Disease Kits as you can.
  • Stress and especially horror are also very common and can get out of hand quickly if left unattended.
  • Position 3 is usually a safe zone, where your squishier heroes usually tend to be. In this region, it is not safe.
  • Scouting and prevention of your party being surprised is incredibly helpful in here with the number of fights you are going to take.
  • Mission goals are a bit more forgiving in Caverns: to finish a quest, only 80% of rooms need to be discovered and 90% of room fights have to be be completed to account for this dungeon having more rooms and this being longer overall.