Death's Door

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When a hero is reduced to 0 HP, they fall into Death's Door.

While in this state, they will suffer severe stat penalties, plus the hero has to pass a Death Blow resistance test if they take any further damage. The unmodified base chance of dying from further damage is 33% (due to 67% basic Death Blow resist without any special quirks or trinkets). Failing this resistance test results in Death.

Resistance to Death Blow is limited to a maximum of 85%. Even if a hero has trinkets or quirks that provide an additional 30% Death Blow resistance, resulting in an expected resist of 95% (67% + 30%), it is still capped at 85%.

A hero will no longer be at Death's Door if they receive at least 1 HP of healing (so that they are no longer at 0 HP). When they are healed above 0 HP, the severe Death's Door stat penalties are removed, but they will still suffer from (less severe) Death's Door Recovery penalties; these penalties typically last until the quest is completed, but can be eliminated by using certain camping skills that remove mortality debuffs.

If a character gets pushed to 200 Stress, they receive a Heart attack. This forces them to go to Death's Door immediately. If they are already at Death's Door, they are killed immediately.


  • Deathsdoor.pngAt Death's Door Penalties: -10 ACC, -25% DMG, -5 SPD, +33% Stress (for duration of Death's Door)
  • Deathavoided.pngDeath's Door Recovery Penalties: -2 ACC, -5% DMG, -1 SPD, +10% Stress (until the end of the quest)
  • Deathavoided.pngHeart Attack Recovery Penalties: -3 ACC, -10% DMG, -2 SPD, +15% Stress (until the end of the quest)

Flagellant is the only hero who has a higher base Death Blow resistance of 73% and receives unique Death's Door buffs:

  • Deathsdoor.pngAt Death's Door: +5 ACC, +20% DMG, +2 SPD, +20% Stun resist, +20% Blight resist, +20% Bleed resist, +20% Debuff resist

He's also immune to Death's Door Recovery debuffs, but will receive Heart Attack Recovery debuffs if he survives a heart attack.

Quirks that Affect Death Blow Resistance

  • Unyielding: +10% Death Blow resist
  • Weak Grip on Life: -10% Death Blow resist

Trinkets that Affect Death Blow Resistance

Generic Trinkets


Camping skills that Affect Death's Door

  • The Crusader's Stand Tall: -15 Stress, remove Mortality Debuffs on one companion.
  • The Occultist's Dark Ritual: reduce Torchlight by 100, +15 stress on self, heal 50% HP and remove Mortality Debuffs on one companion.
  • The Vestal's Sanctuary: prevent Night-Time Ambush, heal 50% HP and 25 Stress on any companion that has Mortality Debuffs.

See Also