Heart attack

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A Crusader meets an untimely demise.
The teeth grit, they cling to life!
~ The Captain on a hero at Death's Door

When a hero is driven beyond their limits of stress, they will suffer a heart attack. This can spell a quick death for those who mismanage their party's stress levels.


Heart attacks are guaranteed to occur if your hero reaches the maximum value of 200 on their Stress Bar while Afflicted. Heart attacks immediately drop a hero's Health down to 0, placing that hero on Death's Door and reduce their stress to 170. If they are already at 0 health when the heart attack occurs, the heart attack will kill the hero instead, disregarding Death Blow resistance. If your hero is currently Virtuous, they will not suffer a Heart attack, and instead lose the Virtue and reset to 0 Stress.

If a hero is brought back from Death's Door after suffering a heart attack, in addition to the Death's Door Recovery debuff, they will receive a unique Heart Attack Recovery debuff that cannot be removed by any means other than ending the quest:

  • -3 ACC, -10% DMG, -2 SPD, +15% Stress


Heroes suffering a Heart Attack emit a unique bark right before it occurs. There is one different bark for each Affliction, in addition to one general bark that any Afflicted hero may use.


See Also