Exposed Interior

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Loading screen of the Exposed Interior
Work swiftly, lest the sun prove to be our greatest adversary.

~ The Captain on entering a Sun mission in the Exposed Interior

The Exposed Interior is the second dungeon that can be explored. An incredibly ancient former Kvarotz settlement, it is now a vast region of sunken Kvarotz architecture and structures built for pagan rituals and sacrifices that houses the ferocious and barbaric Wildlanders, and all those they have tamed or monstrous enough to ally with them.

Such a region is drastically different from the average Catacombs experience: unlike organized Levantines, the feral and barbaric tribes of the Wildlanders rely on sheer force, primal fights and pagan rites. These savages can harness the power of the Old Gods, using them to their advantage by healing their allies or hexing their enemies. Not only that, but the Kvarotz, stonework abominations created by the Kvarotz as their masterpieces, still dwell the sands during the night. Wildlife is also prevalent here, especially the Wildlander Grinhounds.

This region is your primary source of Valor mark currency icon.png Valor Marks. Long missions can easily net you ≈70 Valor Marks each.

Light Mechanics

In the Exposed Interior, you can embark on one of two types of expeditions: Day and Night. These override the regular Light Meter torches, as they change and influence the behavior and mechanics of nearly all of the dungeon, including your heroes.

Day expeditions

The Light Meter during Day expeditions.

During Day expeditions, Debilitating Daylight overrides the usual light meter. The usual burning flame of the torch is replaced by a large sun. While Debilitating Daylight is in effect, the light level is at a permanent 100. This means that no torches are required as the light meter is at full steady brightness. However, there are some effects unique to this type of light, as shown below:

  • Debilitating Daylight (100)
    • +Lost Legion Spawn Chance
    • Hero Party Effects:
      • -8 DODGE
      • -4 SPD
      • Cannot be ambushed
    • Monster Effects:
      • -4 DODGE
    • Torch Item Effects:
      • Buff Hero Party: +4 ACC (1 Battle)

Night expeditions

The Light Meter during Night expeditions.

During Night expeditions, Mantling Moonlight takes over, permanently keeping the light level at a constant 0. The usual burning flame of the torch is replaced by a large moon. The following are the effects of the moonlight:

  • Mantling Moonlight (0)
    • +Kvarotz Spawn Chance
    • Hero Party Effects:
      • +15% Stress Received
      • +3% CRT
    • Monster Effects:
      • +5% CRT
      • Certain enemies start combat with Stealth
    • Torch Item Effects:
      • Buff Target: Ignore Stealth (1 tn)

Eclipse expeditions

The Light Meter during Eclipse expeditions.

Eclipse expeditions are unique to a certain quest. During the expedition, heroes and enemies are subject to the light of the Encroaching Eclipse. The Eclipse's light is set to 0 torchlight and has the following effects:

  • Encroaching Eclipse (0)
    • Hero Party Effects:
      • -20% Bleed Resist
      • -14% Deathblow Resist
    • Monster Effects:
      • -15% Bleed Resist
    • Torch Effects:
      • Target: Cure Bleed, +4 Stress


What to Expect


  • Heroes have -4 SPD and -8 DODGE and Enemies have -4 DODGE. Making it more likely to be outsped by the enemy and more likely for all parties to get hit.
  • More room for Camping Buffs due to not having nighttime ambushes.
  • Due to being at 100 light Lost Legion encounters can always spawn.


  • Heroes take +15% more Tray afflicted.png Stress and all parties can crit more often. This can lead to large amounts of damage and Stress if unlucky.
  • Enemies can start the battle with 3 rounds of Tray stealth.png Stealth. Torches or other means of combating Stealth are helpful.
  • Due to being at 0 light Kvarotz encounters can always spawn.


  • There are no normal Kvarotz / Wildlife / Ghoul encounters. These enemies can only be encountered through backtracking or ambushes.
  • Poptext bleed.png Bleed is incredibly prevalent. Its highly recommended to bring multiple ways to counter it such as Torches, Bandages or resistance Trinkets.
  • Layout is fixed so previous knowledge of it will apply.
  • Reduced Deathblow resistance incentivises Poptext guard.png Guard and multiple sources of healing.


  • Wildlanders tend to have high damage and crit with offensively strong frontlines and supporting backlines.
  • Wildlanders generally have higher resistances to Poptext bleed.png Bleed / Poptext stun.png Stun and lower Resistances to Poptext blight.png Blight / Poptext debuff.png Debuff / Poptext tagged.png Mark.
  • Typically, DODGE is more common than PROT.
  • Poptext bleed.png Bleed and Poptext blight.png Blight are common in Wildlander / Wildlife fights respectively. Bringing Bandages is recommended.
  • There are large numbers of Corpse Curios that can be used to gain loot with Bandages / Antivenom / Disease Kits or to Tray afflicted.png Stress heal with Torches.
  • There are multiple enemies that use Poptext tagged.png Mark to increase damage. Self Mark and PROT can prevent damage to squisher Heroes.
  • Horror.png Horror is common, so some way of curing it is a good idea.



Party Composition


