Light Meter

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The Light Meter is a fluctuating scale of the current light level during the exploration of dungeons.


When the light is at high or maximum levels, the party will suffer less stress damage and will be affected by various benefits, while increasing the chances of scouting ahead and surprising monsters, granting a certain degree of safety to the expedition.

Lower levels of light will increase incoming stress, increase the chance of the party being surprised, and grant boons to the enemies. Less light will also increase the amount of loot gained by the party, in addition to augmenting the chance of the heroes scoring critical hits. Adventuring at low light levels is thus more risky, but grants higher rewards.

Controlling light levels

When entering a dungeon, light is set to the maximum level at 100 points, and will gradually deplete as the party enters rooms or corridor segments while traversing the map, at the rate of 1 unit when traversing explored segments and 6 units when exploring new areas. It is possible to manually lower the light level by increments of 25 or completely by interacting with the light meter itself (check the in-game tooltip), you can also raise it with a Left Click at the cost of 1 torch. While the light level can only be increased on your current turn, it can be decreased at any point outside of attacking cutscenes; this can be exploited to allow for increased loot gain after the last turn while the enemy dies of bleed/blight or a hero is stress healing after a killing critical hit.

The usage of torches or certain abilities, such as several Vestal and Crusader abilities, will raise the light meter, while other abilities, typically used by some enemies, will lower it. The Occultist is currently the only hero possessing abilities able to lower the amount of light. It is also possible to completely replenish the light level to full without using torches by camping; the only exception is when using one of the Occultist's camping skills which decreases light. The removal of an obstacle without the use of a shovel will also cause the light level to drop, simulating the lapsing of time while the party deals with the obstruction.

Light thresholds

The light meter when completely depleted.

NOTE: This is a stub. Currently, all of the content within this section is subject to inaccuracy.

The effects of light levels are regulated by various thresholds, at which various bonuses and penalties activate enhancing the party or the enemies.

  • Radiant Light (76+)
++ Scouting (+15%)
++ Monsters surprised (+25%)
+ Dodge (+7.5)
  • Dim Light (51 to 75)
+ Stress (+10%)
+ Scouting (+7.5%)
+ Monsters surprised (+15%)
+ Dodge (+4)
Not shown on UI: + Monster Crit (+1%)
Not shown on UI: + Loot (25% chance)
  • Shadowy (26 to 50)
++ Stress (+20%)
+ Monster ACC and DMG (+5/+10%)
Not shown on UI: + Monsters surprised (+10%)
+ Heroes Surprised (+15%)
+ Loot (Gold/Items +10%/+4 draws)
+ Player Crits (+1%)
Not shown on UI: + Monster Crit (+2%)
  • Dark (1 to 25)
+++ Stress (+30%)
++ Monster ACC and DMG (+10/+15%)
Not shown on UI: + Monsters surprised (+5%)
++ Heroes Surprised (+25%)
++ Loot (Gold/Items +15%/+8)
++ Player Crits (+2%)
Not shown on UI: ++ Monster Crit (+3%)
  • Black as Pitch (0)
++++ Stress (+40% on Radiant)
+++ Monster ACC and DMG (+12.5/+25%)
+++ Heroes Surprised (+40%)
+++ Loot (Gold/Items +30%/+12 draws)
+++ Player Crits (+3%)
Not shown on UI: +++ Monster Crit (+5%)

Exposed Interior

The region of the Exposed Interior has a different mechanic for torchlight. During the day, no torches are needed as it is replaced by Debilitating Daylight. While during the night, heroes and enemies are affected by Mantling Moonlight. Not only do these light differences matter in terms of sight, but it also affects the behavior of many of the Wildlander enemies inhabiting the interior.