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An expedition is a mission that heroes can undertake by visiting one of the various locations in The Valley.

Types of expedition

Each of the locations in The Valley will have a number of different types of missions to accomplish, with various dungeon sizes, objectives, and difficulty levels. Greater mission length and difficulty make expeditions harder, but also increase the rewards for completion. Each mission's objective, difficulty, and size are generated randomly, with size and especially difficulty being weighted depending on the heroes of the current roster. Regardless of the composition of the roster, there will always be at least one apprentice level mission possible, in case the player wants to recruit new heroes from the Ferry.

Expedition length

There are three different possible lengths for any mission:

  • Short: consisting of a handful of rooms, are the least risky, but also the least rewarding at all difficulties. Higher difficulties make for slightly bigger dungeons. Due to the inherently bigger dungeons in the mod, the party is supplied with one unit of Firewood as well, giving a chance of respite from combat stress, damage, and possibly to better prepare for further encounters with camping skills.
  • Medium: featuring a larger dungeon with different branches, making bigger supplies of food and torches necessary for the survival of heroes. When facing medium sized missions, two units of Firewood will be provided to allow for two camps during the expedition.
  • Long: especially at higher difficulties, long expeditions will feature much larger dungeons, with extreme branching and a big number of dead ends. Bountiful amounts of food and torches are essential and those, together with the three units of Firewood provided, prevent the party from gathering much loot at the start of the quest. Careful planning for exploration and camping, as well as good stress control, are mandatory to make long expeditions successful.

Mission length acts as a sort of multiplier for the difficulty level, making hard expeditions even harder with longer quests; short quests, however, do not allow any instance of camping, potentially making unfortunate encounters and events more punishing since no camping skill can be used to mitigate the negative consequences.


There are three different levels of difficulty an expedition can have, each corresponding to a certain hero Resolve level. Heroes that are two or more levels above the expedition level will refuse to take part in it. Heroes of any level below the expedition can participate, but low level heroes will suffer severe stress damage from partaking in it and will obviously be at a general disadvantage with the dangers thereof, and will protest to the player to warn them. Entering a dungeon will give each hero 20 stress damage for each level above his own.

  • Quest select cleanse cata 1.png Apprentice: corresponds to Resolve level 1 and is the least challenging difficulty, with monsters being weaker and dungeons being smaller. Apprentice missions are colored green.
  • Quest select cleanse cata 3.png Veteran: corresponds to Resolve level 3 and presents a bigger challenge; dungeons get bigger, posing for a larger consumption of supplies, enemies get stronger, and a broader variety of monsters are introduced, with some of them possibly being champion monsters, harder to slay and control; additionally, many monster attacks gain the chance to apply status effects. Veteran missions are colored yellow.
  • Quest select cleanse cata 5.png Champion: corresponds to Resolve level 5 and is the most challenging difficulty: dungeons can be very long and intricate (especially on long expeditions), monsters are of the most dangerous variety, and the chance of encountering bigger monsters is a significant threat. Enemy attacks on this difficulty are more accurate and dangerous overall. Champion missions are colored red.

A higher difficulty grants more challenge, but also more valuable rewards for money, relics and trinkets rewarded, with loot found during the expedition becoming more plentiful and valuable also.

Mission objectives

Every dungeon has various tasks to take care of, each with different objectives in order to consider the expedition successful. It is never necessary to explore a dungeon completely: it can be left as soon as the objective is complete.

Possible missions for each expedition include:

  • Quest select cleanse cata 1.png Cleanse: requiring the party to win every fight encounter in dungeon rooms. Battles along corridors do not count, and can thus be circumvented if scouted in advance and alternative paths are available. These missions allow the party to hold an empty inventory (except for provisions) and consequently do not constitute a problem for the gathering of loot. Despite this, it is probable for the heroes to suffer much damage, hence a good party composition and food supply are recommended.
  • Quest select explore cata 1.png Explore: the requirement of scout missions is to set foot in 90% of the dungeon rooms; this means that regardless of the dungeon size, at least one room can be foregone, with larger dungeons having a proportionally higher amount of rooms that can be avoided in case of dangerous paths. Despite being the least dangerous in theory, explore missions have larger risks if a numerous amount of battles are generated throughout corridors and rooms. Moreover, since most of the dungeon will have to be explored, the party is guaranteed to consume a high number of foodstuffs and torches. Despite the risks, it is possible to abandon dangerous battles, especially when in dead ends and circumventable passages, without compromising the mission. It is worth noting that leaving a room by abandoning a fight will still count the room as explored.
  • Quest select activate trea 1.png Activate: these missions require the party to activate various special curios along the dungeon, consuming special quest items provided with the rest of the provisions at the start of the expedition. These quests constitute a similar amount of risk as gather missions, but, because the quest items are provided at the start, they allow for more plentiful loot toward the end of the quest as the items get consumed, while leaving limited room for additional items at the start.
  • Quest select kill boss 1.png Boss: these special expeditions have only one simple objective: to slay the boss of the dungeon. The dungeons of boss quests are always of medium size. In order to find and undertake a boss quest, it is first necessary to accomplish enough successful expeditions in the same location to clear the path to the boss.

Unlocking bosses

To unlock a boss mission, a dungeon has to be explored and traversed several times. Each expedition completed in a certain location will advance the search for a boss, represented as a progress bar under the location's name: once the progress bar is filled, the dungeon levels up, increasing the amount and variety of quests offered each week, and unlocking a boss expedition.


Every expedition has a set of rewards that are given to the player if the mission is concluded successfully. Every mission has:

  • A reward in gold, with an increasing amount the more difficult and long a quest is. Gold is used to finance hero management and improvements as well as provisions for future expeditions, but the loot collected during expeditions will most often surpass the amount given as a reward, hence the gold reward is not the topmost priority in choosing an expedition to undertake, unless The Flameseeker verses in very poor economic conditions.
  • One or more relics, used to improve facilities on the Flameseeker. Every location can reward different types of relics, but most dungeons specialize in one relic which can be found in abundance. Additional relics may be collected as loot during the expedition.
  • A trinket, able to be either sold for gold or equipped by heroes for various improvements, usually with one or more drawbacks. Trinkets, especially rare ones, are hard to come by, so this kind of reward is usually the main factor in deciding which expedition to attempt.
  • Progress towards unlocking the boss of that location. The longer the expedition, the more progress is made towards unlocking the boss.

Ship Events

With the inclusion of Ship Events, succeeding in a Gathering or Activation mission greatly increases the chance of certain ship events, depending on the region that was conquered. Additionally, Gathering and Activation yield different types of town events; Gathering missions will reduce the cost of certain areas on The Flameseeker, while Activation missions will increase the hero resolve gained and damage dealt in the same area.



In addition to the rewards listed above, characters will earn resolve points for completing a quest.


Undertaking an expedition

Expeditions always start from The Flameseeker, where the heroes rest between missions. An expedition is formed by four heroes recruited through the Ferry, with various possible compositions of classes and formations. After choosing the heroes and the location to approach, provisions must be bought before departing.


During an expedition, the party will move forming a row following the formation defined before departing; outside of battles, this formation can be changed at will. While the party moves across the dungeon, the dungeon map will reflect their movements and display information. While in a room, a new room must be set as destination before the party can traverse the corridors and continue the quest.

While exploring, the party will occasionally suffer small instances of stress damage, discouraging long expeditions and superfluous movements. The Light Meter will also deplete by some units for each corridor segment and room entrance traversed, so it is recommended to keep an eye on it before entering rooms that may contain fights, in order not to cause low thresholds of light to trigger ambushes on the heroes. Passing by corridors that have already been explored will, however, deplete the light more slowly, simulating a more secure and swift advance by the heroes and allowing the player to save on torches by taking less fruitful, but more safe paths.


As the party enters a room, there is a chance that they will scout ahead, revealing possible dangers and treasures in advance, giving the player the chance to prepare for coming battles or circumvent them if possible. Scouting can also be triggered by some curios, and the chances of scouting events occurring can be improved using appropriate trinkets or camping skills. If the room has a battle, the scouting will occur after the monsters are defeated.


If the party encounters a danger that the player doesn't want to face, it is possible to proceed backwards along the corridor to get back to the previously explored room. Doing this will be slower than regular movement and will cause the party to suffer additional stress; the heroes will lament this condition through their barks.


When encountering enemies, battle will commence. At the start of the battle, the chances of either party surprising the other will be calculated, then the fastest units will start acting. Once a battle starts, the active abilities of a hero cannot be changed until it is over; however, all learned abilities can be activated and deactivated at will when out of combat.


The battle is structured in turns: units act one at a time, with their priority being defined by their speed added to a random number that is newly calculated for each unit every turn. When all units with an available action have finished, the next turn begins and the priority is calculated anew.

Enemies will typically act by attacking the player with one of their abilities, while heroes have different actions at their disposal:

  • Using an item from the inventory will not forfeit the turn, but only some provision items can be used in battle and each item can only be used on the active hero.
  • Moving across the formation will make the hero switch places with an adjacent companion and forfeit any further action. This can sometimes be necessary, as many abilities can only be used from certain positions, and enemy move attacks or ambushes can force heroes out of their ideal position.
  • Passing the turn is a last-resort action that will cause the hero to suffer stress damage (the base stress damage is 5) in addition to forfeiting any other action. In extreme situations, it is possible to be forced to do this when abilities cannot be used and movement would be detrimental. [Key Strokes ??? to do "Force Pass"]
  • Using an ability is the typical action taken by heroes to inflict damage or other status effects on the enemy party in an effort to conclude the fight.
  • It is also possible to retreat from combat, which, if successful, brings the party back to the previous explored section of the dungeon map and causes the party to take heavy stress damage. Fights that are not brought to an end will be re-entered if the section that contained them is approached again. Retreat can also fail, causing the hero to lose his turn and possibly be exposed to further damage by the enemy.

Ending an expedition

An expedition can be abandoned at any time when not in a battle. During battle, it is necessary to retreat from or finish the encounter before being able to leave the dungeon.

Successful missions

When the mission's objective has been fulfilled, a prompt will appear, making the player choose to either continue exploring the dungeon or immediately leave for The Flameseeker. From this point onward, the mission can be left without drawbacks at any moment while not in battle. If the party does not verse in terrible conditions, it is recommended to continue exploring the dungeon in order to gather more loot and make the expedition more rewarding.

Aborting a mission

Retreat button.png

If a mission proves too risky or difficult, the party can escape with their lives, bringing with them any loot gathered so far but forfeiting any mission reward. Additionally, heroes that flee from a dungeon without completing their mission suffer stress damage that then has to be cured on The Flameseeker; stress damage suffered this way will not cause the heroes to become afflicted if their stress meter happens to go above 100. Aborting a mission also increases the likelihood of acquiring negative quirks, as well as making acquiring positive quirks less likely. Diseases are assigned as normal.

Failing a mission

Deadhero portrait.png

A mission is failed when all heroes die; all collected loot is lost and, naturally, no hero will return to The Flameseeker, causing the loss to the Ghoul Mother (the Black Reliquary's replacement for The Shrieker) of any trinket equipped on the heroes. If the mission objectives were completed before the death of the party, however, the quest rewards will be obtained as normal.


After leaving an expedition, regardless of its outcome, the debriefing screen will appear, displaying the mission rewards (greyed out in case of an unsuccessful outcome), any additional relics gathered, and the amount of gold collected in the form of valuable loot, raw gold coins, and unused provisions, which are converted into trivial amounts of gold.

Following the reward screen, surviving heroes will receive Resolve experience and randomly assigned quirks, positive or negative, sometimes accompanied by diseases contracted on the way out of the dungeon. Any afflicted hero will remain so and will require treatment to get rid of the harmful status, but virtuous heroes will not maintain their condition.

See also

  • Choosing a quest