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Curios are interactable objects that appear during expeditions. There is a chance of a good or bad event happening by using a curio. Supply items, such as a torch or a key, can be used on them to favorably alter the chances.


Curios can be found inside rooms and corridor segments. Different locations contain different kinds of curios, but some varieties are found throughout all types of dungeon. Each room may only contain one curio, while corridor segments can contain more than one. Unlike obstacles, curios do not prevent passage if not activated; it is thus possible to leave them be to minimize risk, especially if there is a lack of correct provision items to trigger their positive effects.


Once the party enters a room or segment with a curio, it can be interacted with to activate a prompt; the curio can be investigated directly or with the use of a provision item. Curios will react differently to certain items. Normally, the use of the correct provision item will trigger a positive effect, removing the chance of negative effects occurring; however, there are a few harmless curios that do not display a prompt and are immediately searched when interacted with.

Some curios grant loot upon activation. There is a fixed pool of items that is used by specific curios. The Antiquarian can cause special treasure to drop when she interacts with curios.

Many curios have effects such as stress infliction, healing, bleeding, blighting, the application of buffs and debuffs or granting/removing a Quirk that will affect individual heroes. The affected hero is always the one currently selected at the moment of activation. It is advisable, upon activating risky curios, to select a hero with good resistances or one that could potentially be affected by the negative effects without endangering the expedition.

There are certain reusable trinkets which can have different interactions depending on the curios they are used on.

  • The Reliquary's Spoil that is the Archeologist's Compendium can be used on Kvarotz type curios (such as the Primeval Vase) for guaranteed Darics.
  • The Reliquary's Spoil that is the Amber Extraction Kit can be used on Amber type curios (such as the Amber-Consumed Ward) to safely cleanse them and reveal more Amber.
  • The Reliquary's Spoil that is the Scavenger's Kit can be used on Corpse type curios (such as the Waxen Penitent) to safely cleanse them and receive provisions and/or loot.
    • The loot provided will always be 0-8 Provision items, 0-1000 Gold, 0-1 Gems, 0-10 Relics, or 0-1 Trinkets
  • The Celestial Trinket known as "Voidtouch" can be used to cleanse any curio, converting the reward into one gem.


Main article: Vendors

Vendors are mostly humanoid curios with more complex items and cleansing. There are usually 2 vendors exclusive to a single region, with the loot they give and what they ask for being mainly thematically related to the dungeon they're in.

List of Curios

Using the Table

Due to generally increased cleansing options, cleansing text and effects are now inside of tooltips. To view these hover the image of the cleanse item on the table. You can also click the image to go to the relevant page.

Shared Curios

Curios found within all dungeons
Curio & type Description Cleansing Without cleansing
Primeval Tablet.png
Primeval Tablet
"A stone slab containing knowledge of the surroundings."

(This curio can only appear along corridors.)

Archeology Kit.png
Archeologist's Compendium.png
Scout Ahead.png
40% Scouting "The slab is a directory!"
Quirk pos.curio tracker.png
30% Random Positive Quirk "The hero gains great insight into these lands!"
Nothing.curio tracker.png
30% Nothing "The engravings are unintelligible."

Primeval Vase.png
Primeval Vase
Treasure, Kvarotz
"Primeval pottery from a Kvarotz dynasty."

(This curio can only appear along corridors.)

Archeology Kit.png
Archeologist's Compendium.png
Loot.curio tracker.png
50% 0-2,000 Gold, 0-2 Gems, 0-4 Amber, 0-8 Matakh, 0-8 Salvaged Jewelry, 0-16 Valor Mark, 0-20 Refined Amber Dust(Veteran and Above Only), 0-2 Trinkets "Hidden riches!"
Nothing.curio tracker.png
50% Nothing "Only dust..."

Amber-Corrupted Ward.png
Amber-Consumed Ward
"This stone is coated with amber formations.

(This curio can only appear along corridors.)

Amber Extraction Kit.png
Ability none.png
40% 2-5 Amber "The amber is carefully removed and tucked away for later!"
Nothing.curio tracker.png
20% Nothing "The amber is inert and crumbles away."
Debuff.curio tracker.png
40% Debuff: -20% DMG (4 Battles) "Shards of amber get into the hero's skin."

Waxen Penitent.png
Waxen Penitent
Corpse, Lost Legion
"This person seems to have died in this pose..."

(This curio can only appear along corridors.)

Cleansing Salt.png
Alum Censer.png
Heal stress.curio tracker.png
40% Stress Heal -20 "The display inflicts powerful thoughts."
Nothing.curio tracker.png
20% Nothing "Dry bones and melted candles..."
Stress.curio tracker.png
40% Stress +25 "The display inflicts powerful thoughts."

Confessor's Toolkit.png
Confessor's Toolkit
Lost Legion
"A disturbing implement of the Lost Legion."

(This curio can only appear along corridors.)

Skeleton Key.png
Honing Oil.png
Quirk neg.curio tracker.png
25% Remove Negative Quirk "A sense of sin is darkly relieved."
Nothing.curio tracker.png
25% Nothing "The device is unnerving but unimportant."
Stress.curio tracker.png
50% Stress +40 "The mutilated head is horrendous!"

Dune Lilies.png
Dune Lilies
"Beautiful glowing flowers. They seem delicate..."

(This curio can only appear along corridors.)

Honing Oil.png
Amber Extraction Kit.png
Ability none.png
10% 1-3 Dune Lilies "The plant wilts after one of its flowers is stolen."
Heal stress.curio tracker.png
50% Stress Heal -20 "The petals crumble to beautiful dust upon being touched."
Nothing.curio tracker.png
10% Nothing "The dead flowers only looked fresh."
Disease.curio tracker.png
20% Disease (Fatigue) "The lilies burst into thorns to protect themselves!"
Disease.curio tracker.png
10% Disease (Random) "The lilies burst into thorns to protect themselves!"

Yngolian's Beacon.png
Yngolian's Beacon
"An otherworldly force flows from this object, demanding ignition."

(This curio can only appear along corridors in any region except the Exposed Interior.)

Valid Celestial Trinket.png
Nothing.curio tracker.png
100% Nothing . "The beacon ignites, but nothing happens..."

Kvarotz Altar.png
Kvarotz Altar
"A site of sinister rituals..."

(This curio can only appear inside rooms.)

Alum Censer.png
Cleansing Salt.png
Archeology Kit.png
Archeologist's Compendium.png
Buff.curio tracker.png
40% Buff +15% DMG, +5% CRT (4 Battles) "There is dark power in the altar!"
Nothing.curio tracker.png
40% Nothing "It seems completely inert."
Disease.curio tracker.png
20% Disease (Random) "An eldritch hex lashes out."

Stone Reliquary.png
Stone Reliquary
Treasure, Kvarotz

(Non-Treasury Variant)

"An ancient stone container. It is locked."

(This curio can only appear inside rooms.)

Skeleton Key.png
Archeologist's Compendium.png
Loot.curio tracker.png
100% 6-18 Darics "The forced-open box contains some riches!"

Catacombs Curios

Curios found within the Catacombs
Curio & type Description Cleansing Without cleansing
Ancient Cannon.png
Ancient Cannon
Treasure, Kvarotz
A dust-coated Kvarotz weapon of war.

(This curio can only appear along corridors.)

Archeology Kit.png
Honing Oil.png
Archeologist's Compendium.png
Buff.curio tracker.png
40% Buff: +15% Ranged DMG (4 Battles) You collect some of the Kvarotz gunpowder for your own use.
Nothing.curio tracker.png
30% Nothing "The cannon is barren and of no importance."
Disease.curio tracker.png
30% Disease: The Sweats "The hero cuts their hand on the rusted electrum."

Ancient Armory.png
Ancient Armory
Treasure, Kvarotz
"Wicked weapons of a forgotten era."

(This curio can only appear along corridors.)

Archeology Kit.png
Honing Oil.png
Archeologist's Compendium.png
Loot.curio tracker.png
20% 1 Trinket "Some of these weapons are decorative!"
Quirk pos.curio tracker.png
40% Positive Quirk: Catacombs Adventurer/Tactician "These weapons and tools garner much knowledge of the Kvarotz."
Disease.curio tracker.png
40% Disease: The Sweats "The hero cuts their hand on a rusted weapon."

Levantine Supplies.png
Levantine Supplies
Treasure, Food
"Some abandoned Levantine equipment."
Skeleton Key.png
Loot.curio tracker.png
40% 0-10 Food, 0-5 Other Standard Provision Items, 300-3,000 Gold "They were well supplied!"
Scout Ahead.png
20% Scouting "A small map is discovered!"
Nothing.curio tracker.png
40% Nothing "Empty..."

Electrum Scraps.png
Electrum Scraps
"A heap of wrecked Kvarotz technology."
Archeology Kit.png
Honing Oil.png
Archeologist's Compendium.png
Loot.curio tracker.png
40% 3-10 Matakh "Some of these pieces were adorned with Matakh!"
Nothing.curio tracker.png
20% Nothing "Nothing but unusable scraps."
Bleed.curio tracker.png
40% Bleed (8 pts/tn, 3 tns) "These scraps are razor-sharp!"

Encrusted Sarcophagus.png
Encrusted Sarcophagus
Corpse, Treasure, Kvarotz
"A sarcophagus untouched for centuries."

(This curio can only appear inside rooms.)

Archeology Kit.png
Archeologist's Compendium.png
Loot.curio tracker.png
40% 1 Gem, 4-12 Darics "This one was laid to rest with riches!"
Stress.curio tracker.png
36% Stress +20 "Unspeakable things have been done to this person..."
Quirk neg.curio tracker.png
24% Negative Quirk: Catacombs Phobe/Meanderer "Unspeakable things have been done to this person..."

Foregone Coffin.png
Foregone Coffin
Corpse, Treasure, Kvarotz
"An ornate coffin for a member of the Kvarotz upper class."

(This curio can only appear inside rooms.)

Archeologist's Compendium.png
Ability none.png
1% 2-4 Bandage "It's only wrappings?"
Nothing.curio tracker.png
19% Nothing "Nothing but a corpse..."
Stress.curio tracker.png
20% Stress +20 "This occupant seems to have been mummified alive!"
Quirk neg.curio tracker.png
20% Negative Quirk: Catacombs Phobe/Meanderer "This occupant seems to have been mummified alive!"
Disease.curio tracker.png
40% Disease "Noxious fumes of rotted flesh pour out."

Levantine War Table.png
Levantine War Table
"Charts and correspondence left behind by the Levantine."

(This curio can only appear inside rooms.)

Archeology Kit.png
Buff.curio tracker.png
20% Buff: -50% Party Surprised Chance and +4 SPD "Levantine battle strategies are learned!"
Quirk pos.curio tracker.png
20% Positive Quirk: Catacombs Scrounger/Tactician "Levantine battle strategies are learned!"
Scout Ahead.png
60% Scouting "The charts and maps here prove most helpful!"

Kvarotz Vending Golem.png
Kvarotz Vending Golem
Vendor, Treasure
"It seems to only take currency from the Kvarotz era..."

(This vendor can only appear in rooms.)

Nothing.curio tracker.png
100% Nothing This vendor can't be cleansed by hand.

Exposed Interior Curios

Curios found within the Exposed Interior
Curio & type Description Cleansing Without cleansing
Cactonid Corpse.png
Cactonid Corpse
"This slain cactonid has been left to fester."

(This curio can only appear along corridors.)

Disease Kit.png
Ability none.png
20% 4-10 Salvaged Jewelry . "There is jewelry in the decayed sludge!"
Nothing.curio tracker.png
20% Nothing . "Nothing but a dried husk."
Disease.curio tracker.png
30% Disease (Random) . "The carcass emits fetid spores."
Blight.curio tracker.png
30% Blight (6 pts/tn, 3 tns) . "The cactonid ooze has become acidic!"

Legion Decapitations.png
Legion Decapitations
Corpse, Legion
"The severed heads of the Legion are put on a chilling display."

(This curio can only appear along corridors.)

Cleansing Salt.png
Nothing.curio tracker.png
25% Nothing . "Nothing more than skulls."
Ability none.png
25% Horror (5pts/tn, 5 tns) . "The morbid display causes lasting trauma."
Quirk neg.curio tracker.png
25% Negative Quirk (Thanatophobia) . "The morbid display causes lasting trauma."
Disease.curio tracker.png
25% Disease (Random) . "The carcass emits fetid spores."

Defiled Levantine Corpse.png
Defiled Levantine Corpse
"Horrific cruelties were inflicted upon this soldier."

(This curio can only appear along corridors.)

Disease Kit.png
Loot.curio tracker.png
30% 200-2,000 Gold . "The soldier's coin purse was left behind."
Nothing.curio tracker.png
20% Nothing . "Merely a sun-dried corpse."
Disease.curio tracker.png
30% Disease (Random) . "Flesh-eating insects swarm from the cadaver."
Ability none.png
20% Horror (5 pts/tn, 5 tns) . "Atrocities were inflicted upon this man!"

Sun-Bleached Skull.png
Sun-Bleached Skull
"There is a strange aura around this skull."

(This curio can only appear along corridors.)

Alum Censer.png
Archeology Kit.png
Loot.curio tracker.png
1% Trinket; Ivory Handguard or Random Trinket . "An armlet is hidden inside the skull!"
Quirk pos.curio tracker.png
49.44% Positive Quirk: Exposed Interior Adventurer . "The mysterious skull grants an insightful vision."
Nothing.curio tracker.png
10% Nothing . "Nothing more than dried bones."
Quirk neg.curio tracker.png
39.56% Negative Quirk: Exposed Interior Phobe . "The mysterious skull grants an insightful vision."

Steelpath War Cache.png
Steelpath War Cache
"An assortment of Wildlander weapons and trophies."

(This curio can only appear along corridors.)

Honing Oil.png
Archeology Kit.png
Buff.curio tracker.png
25% Buff: +15% DMG (4 Battles) . "What a peculiar blade..."
Quirk pos.curio tracker.png
10% Positive Quirk: Exposed Interior Tactician . "What a peculiar blade..."
Nothing.curio tracker.png
20% Nothing . "Nothing but rusted scrap."
Bleed.curio tracker.png
25% Bleed (8 pts/tn for 4 Battles) . "The hero is cut on a blood-stained rust."
Disease.curio tracker.png
20% Disease: Fatigue . "The hero is cut on a blood-stained rust."

Wildlander Pillory.png
Wildlander Pillory
This man has been left to suffer.

(This curio can only appear along corridors.)

Skeleton Key.png
Heal stress.curio tracker.png
80% Stress Heal -15 "Freeing him was the right thing to do."
Summon.curio tracker.png
20% Summon Wildlander (Grimhound, Hellion, Painwarden, Harrier) "Wrestling the chains free alerts draws attention!"

Massive Cauldron.png
Massive Cauldron
"The cookware contains a strange, virile brew."
Honing Oil.png
Disease Kit.png
Loot.curio tracker.png
1% Trinket If Not Yet Obtained (Half-Cooked Hand) . "A hand?!"
Heal gen.curio tracker.png
59.4% Heal 25% of Max HP (Party) . "What an aberrant taste..."
Nothing.curio tracker.png
19.8% Nothing . "The pot contains a lackluster broth."
Disease.curio tracker.png
19.8% Disease (Random) (Party) . "What an aberrant taste..."

Defeated Sandwurm.png
Defeated Sandwurm
Amber, Corpse
"This wurm is a wildlander trophy now."

(This curio can only appear inside rooms.)

Disease Kit.png
Amber Extraction Kit.png
Ability none.png
30% 2-5 Amber . "Amber remains in the wurm's carcass!"
Nothing.curio tracker.png
20% Nothing . "The worm was gutted and bled dry."
Disease.curio tracker.png
30% Disease . "Nauseating remains pour out onto the hero."
Bleed.curio tracker.png
20% Bleed (6 pts/tn, 3 tns) . "The hero is cut by one of its teeth."

Warhawk Tribute.png
Warhawk Tribute
"A brutal sacrifice has been made to the matron."

(This curio can only appear inside rooms.)

Alum Censer.png
Disease Kit.png
Nothing.curio tracker.png
30% Nothing . "While grim, this altar is unimportant."
Quirk neg.curio tracker.png
70% Negative Quirk: Exposed Interior Meanderer (30.5%), Exposed Interior Phobe (30.5%), or Necrophobe (29%) . "What was done to this man is traumatizing."

Silent Pantheon.png
Silent Pantheon
"Pagan effigies made from Kvarotz scrap metal."

(This curio can only appear inside rooms.)

Alum Censer.png
Cleansing Salt.png
Honing Oil.png
Quirk pos.curio tracker.png
25% Positive Quirk: Exposed Interior Explorer . "A ritual is performed to the animalistic gods."
Bleed.curio tracker.png
25% Cure Bleed, +15% Bleed Resist (4 Battles) (Party) . "A ritual is performed to the animalistic gods."
Blight.curio tracker.png
25% Cure Blight, +15% Blight Resist, +15% Symptom/Disease Resist (4 Battles) (Party) . "A ritual is performed to the animalistic gods."
Purge neg.curio tracker.png
25% Purge Negative Quirk . "The favor of the old gods instills a sense of virtue."

Defeated Sandwurm.png
Defeated Sandwurm
Amber, Corpse
"This wurm is a wildlander trophy now."

(This curio can only appear inside rooms.)

Disease Kit.png
Amber Extraction Kit.png
Ability none.png
30% 2-5 Amber . "Amber remains in the wurm's carcass!"
Nothing.curio tracker.png
20% Nothing . "The worm was gutted and bled dry."
Disease.curio tracker.png
30% Disease . "Nauseating remains pour out onto the hero."
Bleed.curio tracker.png
20% Bleed (6 pts/tn, 3 tns) . "The hero is cut by one of its teeth."

Mountain God's Blade.png
Mountain God's Blade
"The spirit of a great king wells around this blade."

(This curio can only appear inside rooms.)

Loot.curio tracker.png
100% Trinket: Runic Blade . "The apparition gives his approval before vanishing."

Caverns Curios

Curios found within the Caverns
Curio & type Description Cleansing Without cleansing
Oozed Cache
"Kvarotz refuse is glued together by Trog secretions."

(This curio can only appear along corridors.)

Disease Kit.png
Archeologist's Compendium.png
Loot.curio tracker.png
40% 0-2,000 Gold, 0-2 Gems . "Not all of this mess is junk!"
Nothing.curio tracker.png
20% Nothing . "Nothing but dull metal and sticky hands."
Disease.curio tracker.png
20% Disease (Random) . "Some of the ooze gets into a wound."
Blight.curio tracker.png
20% Blight (6 pts/tn) . "A slime pustule is ruptured!"

Amber-Corrupted Ward.png
Amber-Consumed Ward
"This ward seems particularly overburdened with amber formations."

(This curio can only appear along corridors.)

Amber Extraction Kit.png
Ability none.png
40% 4-10 Amber . "The amber is carefully removed and tucked away for later!"
Nothing.curio tracker.png
20% Nothing . "The amber is inert and crumbles away."
Ability none.png
40% -20% DMG (4 Battles) . "Shards of amber get into the hero's skin."

Squalid Burrow
"A Troglodyte's personal dwelling, covered with the skulls of trespassers."

(This curio can only appear along corridors.)

Loot.curio tracker.png
50% 4-7 Amber, 2 Gems . "Spoils had been tucked away in the den!"
Summon.curio tracker.png
50% Summon Troglodyte (Hunter, Slinger, Lurker, Slinger) . "The Troglodytes were home!"