Ship Events

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Zarallis, herald of Ship Events.

Ship Events are events occurring in the Flameseeker. Ship Events add variety to the overall campaign and also provide additional personality to the Flameseeker itself! In some cases, the events are related to Expeditions.


Ship Events are designed to add variety to the Flameseeker over the course of a campaign. Upon returning from an expedition, there is a chance for a thematic event to trigger on the ship – this functions akin to a deck of event cards.

There will not always be a Ship Event, but when there is an extra hotlink to that announcement will appear in the bottom hotbar, so you can close the announcement safely and return to it later if you need to.


The following table lists all of the current available Ship Events.

Event Image Event Name Description Effect Notes
Finding Your Sky Legs.png Finding Your Sky Legs I welcome you to my ship. Under this scorching sun, in this vast desert, on these hallowed lands, there is much to be done. Settle in quickly. The Reliquary awaits us.

"All hands are to make accommodations for our guest and help them get situated!"

Enabling Tutorials is RECOMMENDED Occurs only once, at the start of every new save file.
Room for Improvements.png Room for Improvements "The engineers have arrived! See to it that their quarters are ready within the hour, we've a great deal to build!" Side Deck Upgrades Available
Unlocks Veteran Missions in Caverns and Apprentice Missions in Treasury
Occurs only once, on Week 4.
Cache in the Dunes.png Cache in the Dunes It is not desolate down there. Recesses of civility dot the hills...

"One of our benefactors has seen it fit to leave us a stockpile of particular goods in a remote location."

+50 Refined Amber Dust
Unlocks Champion Missions in the Exposed Interior when the event occurs due to having four level 5 heroes after Week 5
Can occur starting Week 3, with an 8 week cooldown
Additionally occurs after Week 5 when the player has at least four level 5 heroes
Quid Pro Quo.png Quid Pro Quo Our allies in trade are allies indeed. But business is still business.

"The Ostvengr are as generous as they are shrewd. A favor has been granted, but favors will eventually be called in."

+50 Lost Tek Can occur starting Week 5, with an 8 week cooldown
Amber Accident.png Amber Accident *Coughing* It seems there has been a bit of an incident.

"A mishap in the refinery has resulted in a miasma of amber fumes filling the entire ship. Try to take short breaths."

+20% DMG, +20% Damage Taken
All Activities in Amber Workshop are Locked
Can occur starting Week 5, with an 8 week cooldown
Proper Remembrance.png Proper Remembrance Let me... Soften the blow- This time...

"The first has fallen. Let us savor that bitter taste of defeat, as we supplement it with wines and brews."

All Stress Relief Activities in the Galley are Free
+10 Idle Stress Relief
Can only occur once after a hero dies for the first time
Weapon Maintence.png Weapon Maintenance This is humiliating... Our blades have gone dull- on my watch! I shall have this resolved within the hour.

"A recent inspection revealed that the blades have been badly miskept. This must be rectified immediately!"

Melee Skills +8 ACC on next quest
Melee Skills +5% CRT on next quest
Can occur starting Week 5, with an 8 week cooldown
Target Practice.png Target Practice I have a sporting pistol in my cabin. Best two of three, my friend?

"All rangers must report to the top deck at once! Your marksmanship is due for examination."

Ranged Skills +8 ACC on next quest
Ranged Skills +5% CRT on next quest
Can occur starting Week 5, with an 8 week cooldown
Celestial Alignment.png Celestial Alignment Quiet, my friend. Our soldiers need their concentration.

"Non-practicing crew shall keep their voices to whispers as our mystics engage in meditation."

Mystical Skills +8 ACC on next quest
Mystical Skills +5% CRT on next quest
Can occur starting Week 5, with an 8 week cooldown
Eldritch Invocation.png Eldritch Invocation Be respectful of their practices. All of us share the common goal of freedom from the terrible darkness beneath the earth.

"The seekers of dark powers have congregated to pay homage to their many masters."

+10% DMG if not Religious on next quest
+4 SPD if not Religious on next quest
Can occur starting Week 5, with an 8 week cooldown
Candlelit Vigil.png Candlelit Vigil It is a holy day, my friend. Feel free to participate in prayer if you so choose.

"The faithful are gathered in solemn prayer today, and those still seeking an answer are welcomed to participate."

+15% Healing Received if not Pagan on next quest
-15% Stress Received if not Pagan on next quest
Can occur starting Week 5, with an 8 week cooldown
Spoiled Shipment.png Spoiled Shipment A late shipment. Most of it spoiled or damaged... we will make due as we always have.

"Our most recent delivery of supplies was lacking. Crew should expect half rations until the next resupply."

Provision and Supplies Costs +50% Can occur starting Week 5, with an 8 week cooldown
Supply Cache.png Supply Cache Hahaha! Abundance, my friend! I would not expect much of this food to keep longer than a few days, so why be wasteful?

"Scouts have located an enormous store of what are now formerly Levantine supplies!"

Provision and Supplies Costs -100% Can occur starting Week 5, with an 8 week cooldown
Inconvenient Injury.png Inconvenient Injury You! Yes, you, go fetch me my coffee! Ah, friend, do not pay me any mind. It's just this damned leg!

"Keep your heads down and do your jobs thrice as hard. The Captain is in a scornful mood."

-15% Virtue Chance on next quest Can occur starting Week 5, with an 8 week cooldown
Corrupted Wine.png Corrupted Wine It is not clear if there is a traitor or a damned fool among us, but someone has been tampering with the drinks. A dark day indeed.

"Several crew members were left injured from tainted brews! The bar is closed until all drinks are potable once more..."

Bar is Locked
Gambling Hall is Free
Fighting Pit is Free
Can occur starting Week 5, with an 8 week cooldown
Hog Wild.png Hog Wild I swear that monkey should be thrown into a cage...

"The gambling tables are currently closed. Almira has not specified why at this time."

Gambling Hall is Locked
Bar is Free
Fighting Pit is Free
Can occur starting Week 5, with an 8 week cooldown
Exhibition Bout.png Exhibition Bout Which one do you think will come out on top? Not that I... plan on wagering on it...

"A match we've all been waiting to see! Other competitors are asked to wait until the event has concluded."

Fighting Pit is Locked
Bar is Free
Gambling Hall is Free
Can occur starting Week 5, with an 8 week cooldown
Inheritance.png Inheritance How very noble... such a fortune bestowed to our cause.

"One of the most recent to perish had apparently kept quite the sum on them, and bequeathed it to the ship."

+30000 Gold Can only occur once, after Week 5 and at least eight heroes are dead
Ertefest.png Ertefest I would not call this my favorite holiday... where the crew could hear me.

"A day of old Ostvengr traditions! Enjoy yourselves, but be responsible- this is still an airship!"

Bar is free
Gambling Hall is Free
Fighting Pit is Free
Can occur starting Week 5, with an 8 week cooldown
Amber Convention.png Amber Convention Meeting Leonne was more than fortuitous. Our encounter was simply fated by the Light.

"The Penitent Leonne's colleagues are visiting to share their expertise in the studies of amber!"

All Amber Activities are Free Can occur starting Week 5, with an 8 week cooldown
Curious Cadaver.png Curious Cadaver As much as I... usually... trust Erick, I am not so certain I would invite him to treat me for a few days...

"Erick and Ilya have discovered a most peculiar cadaver, and their discoveries are yielding miraculous results!"

Treatment Ward is Free
Medical Ward is Free
Can occur starting Week 5, with an 8 week cooldown
Captain's Birthday.png Captain's Birthday Oh goodness, how old am I this time? I can hardly keep track anymore!

"It's a very special day!"

All activities are free! Can occur starting Week 5, with an 52 week cooldown
Augmented Mercenaries.png Augmented Mercenaries So soon after the great fall do some return to the old ways...

"Those who have ventured into the ruins of the Ostvengr are offering their unique services to us!"

One of three level 6 Heroes can be hired for 50 Lost Tek, all three of them having one of the three following "diseases": Allsicht Implant, Eisenleib Implant, or Hastwirbel Implant. These quirks also prevent all other diseases. Can occur starting Week 50, with each quirk having a 25 week cooldown
Smoke Signals.png Smoke Signals These ones must have surprising perserverance to have lasted so long down below on their own.

"A collection of survivors were spotted down below, some of which may be of promise to us."

Ferry has 6 additional recruits Can occur starting Week 5, with an 8 week cooldown
Concert.png Concert Encore! Encore!

"The ship's bard has fallen into a musical dervish and the songs are inspiring!"

+5 ACC on next quest
+3% CRT on next quest
+2 SPD on next quest
Can occur starting Week 5, with an 8 week cooldown
The Stranger.png The Stranger The mysteries of undeath have been long-since documented and mastered. The miracle of resurrection, however, is a well-kept secret.

"A hooded figure has mysteriously appeared on the ship, claiming to be able to defy death."

One of three dead heroes can be revived with their resolve levels and quirks intact, but skills, weapon and armor levels will be reset to level one Can occur starting Week 5 and after three heroes have died, with an 8 week cooldown
Suspicious Sale.png Suspicious Sale At times, I wonder if it was a good decision to have struck a deal with our pirate siblings...

"Vernon is selling at a huge discount, citing a sudden need to liquidate before we return to port."

Non-Contraband Trinkets Cost -75% Can occur starting Week 5 and after three heroes have died, with an 8 week cooldown
Emergency Meeting.png Emergency Meeting The assassin has already breached our defenses. You've seen what he has done to our colleague. And worst of all, he could be any one of us...

"A crewmate was found murdered in their sleep. Someone is not who they claim to be..."

The apprentice mission "Emergency Meeting" is unlocked Can only occur once starting Week 10 when the player has at least four level two heroes

The Captain's narrated description is a reference to Team Fortress 2's "Meet the Spy", and the Ship Event description itself is a reference to Among Us.
Second Hand Shipment.png Second Hand Shipment Blade, bullet, book, or blockade; it matters not. What we are given will find its purpose.

"Our friends at the Rot Hering Company left us a gift! Check the box marked "Defekt: Nicht Verwenden"."

3 Free Armor Upgrades
3 Free Weapon Upgrades
Can occur starting Week 5, with an 8 week cooldown
Bootcamp.png Bootcamp Everyone has room for improvement. Some more than others. Let us get to work.

"Riga and Abbas have found the crew's performance lacking, and are offering a more intensive course."

8 Free Combat Skill Upgrades Can occur starting Week 5, with an 8 week cooldown
Blackened Sun.png Blackened Sun We were not due for a natural eclipse any time soon. Something horrid is causing this. A beacon of some sort...

"This is more than a simple eclipse. Something in the dunes below is causing this horrible occurrence."

Eclipse Difficulty Mission Errant Daylight is Available Can only appear starting Week 40 and when the player has at least four level 6 heroes, will not reappear if completed