Info Comms

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Listen up. This may save your skin.

The Info Comms is accessible within the player's option menu screen in Black Reliquary. It features hints telling the player how certain game mechanics work. All Info Comms content is provided below.

Info Comms Icon Description
ACC: Short for "accuracy". Base chance to hit is ACC minus the enemy's DODGE.
Aegis Scale:
An item which grants 1 Block to its user. Can be purchased from the provisions screen with Refined Amber Dust.
Affiliation: Describes a Hero's religiousness. This can affect the results of certain combat skills, Camping skills, and more.
Tray afflicted.png
A temporary condition that may be triggered when a hero reaches 100 stress. Afflicted heroes act on their own and suffer stat penalties. Afflictions can be cured in town by reducing the hero's stress at the Amber Den or the Galley.
Affliction Check: Made whenever a hero reaches 100 stress and results in an Affliction or Virtue state.
Affliction History: A hidden log of which Afflictions a particular hero has a tendency to develop.
Alum Censer: A type of provision used to temporarily increase a hero's resistances. Also can be used on dungeon curios.
Amber currency icon.png
A relic typically found in the Caverns. Used to upgrade buildings on the Ship, as well as produce Refined Amber Dust inside the Amber Workshop.
Amber Residue: A consumable item which applies a Damage Buff and Damaged Received debuff to the hero. Buffs are halved for Religious and doubled for Pagan. Repeated use gives diminishing returns.
Antivenom: A type of provision used to remove Blight. Antivenom ignores Blight Cure Received Chance debuffs. It also has uses on many dungeon curios.
Archaeology Kit: An expensive type of provision used to disarm traps more easily. Used heavily in curio interactions.
Armor: A hero's armor determines their base DODGE and MAX HP. Armor can be upgraded at the Forge.
Armor Piercing: Armor Piercing effects make attacks ignore part of the target's PROT, which means the attack doesn't get reduced by protection as much.
Bandage: A type of provision used to remove Bleed. Bandages ignore Bleed Cure Received Chance debuffs. It also has uses on many dungeon curios.
Battle Limit: Limited number of times that a skill may be used in each combat encounter.
Poptext bleed.png
Heroes or enemies with Bleed take damage each combat round or hallway step. It will eventually go away, but can be cured early with items, combat skills, and Camping skills.
Poptext blight.png
Heroes or enemies with Blight take damage each combat round or hallway step. It will eventually go away, but can be cured early with items, combat skills, and Camping skills.
Bounties: Bounties can be obtained using "The Big Prize" Contraband trinket, stack up to 99 per inventory slot, and they grant 200 gold each.
Bubblenator: Bubblenator is not a word in a dictionary. We just want to check how many people read those entries. You can redeem your award by going into the trinket menu, pressing enter and typing "Reading Comprehension".
Poptext buff.png
A temporary stat increase.
Cactonid: These eldritch hybrids of flesh and flora have overgrown the Kvarotz treasury. They lie in wait, ready to spring upon victims who unwittingly spring their traps, bombarding their prey with various statuses.
Camping Skill: An ability used by a hero during Camping.
Cleansing Salt: A type of provision used to cure a hero's combat debuffs. Also can be used on dungeon curios.
Combat Skill: An ability used by a hero during combat.
Cooldown: The number of rounds before a skill can be used again. Cooldowns are refreshed on combat's end.
Corpse: Most dead monsters leave a temporary corpse. Corpses preserve the enemy order for a time and require heroes to use skills to attack around the corpses, move other enemies in reach, and so on. Alternatively, corpses can be attacked and cleared manually.
CRIT: Short for "critical hit chance". Critical hits do extra damage and provide stress relief (when a hero crits) or stress damage (when a monster crits). Additionally, upon scoring a critical hit, heroes gain a "Crit Effect" which can be found their additional info.
Curio: An interactive prop found in a dungeon hallway or room.
Day Quest: Exposed Interior quests which subject heroes and enemies to the "Debilitating Daylight" torch effects, and are always set to 100 torchlight.
Death Blow: A hit taken by a hero on Death's Door that permanently kills the hero.
Death's Door:
Also known as "Mortality". A hero with 0 HP is at Death's Door. Each subsequent hit taken while at Death's Door has a chance of permanently killing the hero. Additionally, each hit taken while on Death's Door will lower the hero's Deathblow Resist for 32 turns.
Poptext debuff.png
A temporary stat decrease.
Debuff/Mark Resistance: Bonus towards resisting incoming debuffs and marks.
Poptext disease.png
A temporary sickness that debilitates the hero in some way. Disease Kits can tend the disease, but a fully evolved disease can only be cured in the Clinic.
Disease Kit: An expensive type of provision used to remove Symptoms and tend to the Diseases, lessening their effects.
DMG: Short for "damage". Determines how many health points, or HP, are removed from the target if the attack connects.
DODGE: Dodge gets removed from the enemy's Accuracy to determine base chance to hit.
Eclipse Quest: Special Exposed Interior quest which subjects heroes and enemies to the "Encroaching Eclipse" torch effects, and are always set to 0 torchlight.
An effect that heals and temporarily boosts target's DMG and CRT on kill. Lasts until the end of the Battle. This effect cannot stack.
Equipment: Commonly refers to the weapon and armor equipped to a hero, but can also include Trinkets. Weapons and armor cannot be unequipped but can be upgraded.
An effect that heals the opposing team of the expiated unit upon its next attack. The affected unit also takes damage after their next three attacks. Unholy enemies take 50% more damage, Pagan heroes take 50% more damage, and Religious heroes receive 100% healing upon activation. Each activation of Expiation's healing reduces its effectiveness for the battle. This effect cannot stack.
Extracts: Items obtained using Perfumer's Needle, which can be used to apply effects to the enemy party. Type of Extract found depends on the Region you're in.
Food: A type of provision used for Camping meals and other meals while wandering. Can be fed individually to a hero for a small HP recovery.
When a Frantic hero performs a non-fatal attaack, they have a chance to be moved backwards and become horrified.
Ghoul Fever: Symptom which can be contracted via the Ghoulserum Injection. If not treated, evolves into Ghoul Plague. This disease prevents the hero from getting any other diseases.
Ghoul Plague: Disease which evolves from Ghoul Fever. Alongside applying debuffs to your hero, it also increases likelihood of the party encountering Ghouls. This disease prevents the hero from getting any other diseases.
Ginseng: An item which cures almost all statuses on its user. Can be purchased from the provisions screen with Refined Amber Dust.
Coin currency.png
The basic currency of the Flameseeker. Used to purchase Trinkets, learn and upgrade skills, and upgrade Equipment.
Heart Attack: A heart attack occurs when a hero reaches 200 stress while afflicted. This will drop a hero to Death's Door, or kill one already there.
Hero Surprise: Surprised heroes have their order jumbled. Heroes are surprised when Ambushed or randomly at the start of non-scouted enemy combats.
Honing Oil: A type of provision used to deal with high PROT enemies more efficiently. Can be used in curio interactions.
Horror: Stress damage over time (stress DOT).
HP: Short for "health points". HP is removed as damage is taken. A hero with 0 HP is at Death's Door.
Kvarotz: Remnants of the vast Kvarotz Empire. Their sentinels and enforcers still roam the Valley in the dark, and are extremely dangerous to the bodies and minds of those caught in their wake.
Laudanum: A tincture useful in the treatment of Horror (stress DOT). Also has interactions with some dungeon curios.
When a Leeched hero performs a friendly skill, they blight themselves and apply restoration to the enemy party.
Levantine: Conscripted by the Vizier, the Levantine forces are tasked with the excavation and recovery of Kvarotz relics and technology. They operate as trained soldiers, typically working together and fighting with advanced tactics.
Lost Legion: A collective of zealous crusaders that have come to plunder the valley. They battle with the power of the Light, and are typically more effective against Pagan heroes.
Lost Tek:
Lost tek currency icon.png
Mechanical devices primarily used to construct Side Decks.
Malignant Vestige: Highly valuable treasures which apply debuffs to heroes while in the inventory. These debuffs do not stack with multiple of the same vestige. Mostly dropped by Cactonids in the Treasury.
Poptext tagged.png
Heroes and enemies with mark will take additional damage from certain skills. For enemies, Marks will additionally make them target Marked heroes more often. It will eventually go away after a specific number of rounds, but can be removed early with Ginseng Powder.
Matakh currency icon.png
A relic typically found in the Catacombs. Used to upgrade buildings on the ship.
MAX HP: Short for "maximum health points".
Move (effect):
Poptext move.png
An effect that moves the target forward or backward in the party lineup.
Move Resistance:
Resistance icon move.png
Bonus towards resisting enemy moves that cause a position change.
Night Quest: Exposed Interior quests which subject heroes and enemies to the "Mantling Moonlight" torch effects, and are always set to 0 torchlight.
Obstacle: An object found in dungeons that impedes the party's progress. They can be removed by hand or with an item (usually Shovel). Clearing an obstacle by hand inflicts DMG and negative effects on the entire party.
Preparation Round:
Prep icon.png
First round of the combat, during which attacks can't crit and have lowered accuracy. Some attacks ignore the accuracy penalty, and can have changed effects during it.
PROT: Short for "protection". Indicates what percentage of incoming damage is mitigated. DOTs (bleed, blight), effects, and Expiated ignore PROT.
Provision: An item that can be added to the player's inventory before embarking on a quest, or found during it.
Quirkicon neg.png
A character trait on a hero. Quirks can be beneficial (positive) or hindering (negative). Heroes may start with some quirks but acquire more through adventuring. Specific actions, such as attacking enemies or party members dying to enemies, have a chance to grant the hero specific quirks.
Refined Amber Dust:
Refined amber dust currency.png
A refined version of Amber. Can be created in the Amber Refinery activity in the Amber Workshop facility on the Flameseeker, and occasionally found as loot. Used to purchase luxury provisions, use the Amber Den activity, and to buy Contraband Trinkets.
Reflex Serum: An item which grants temporarily riposte to its user. Produced by the Adrenaline Manufactorium, and obtained from the provision screen.
Relic: A special currency that is most often used to upgrade buildings on the Ship. There are four types of Relics: Matakh, Amber, Salvaged Jewelry, and Valor Marks.
Resistance: A stat that influences how likely a hero is to resist a particular status, such as Stun or Bleed.
Resolve Level: The veteran level of a hero. A hero with a higher Resolve Level can better resist stress, learn higher level skills, and wield higher level equipment. Higher Resolve Level heroes will not waste their time on lower level quests. Low Resolve Level heroes adventuring in higher level dungeons will find it more stressful.
Resolve XP: Earning Resolve XP progresses a hero toward the next Resolve Level. Resolve XP can only be earned by completing quests. Heroes do not earn Resolve XP if they abandon or fail quests.
An effect that restores health at the beginning of a hero's turn.
Rictus Imperfectus: Symptom which can be contracted via the Parasite Zero. If not treated, evolves into Rictus Mortis. Alongside applying debuffs to your hero, this disease buffs the hero's SPD and CRT when Hexer consumes his Vials of Corruption. This disease prevents the hero from getting any other disease.
Rictus Mortis: Disease evolved from Rictus Imperfectus. Alongside applying debuffs to your hero, this disease buffs the hero's SPD and CRT when Hexer consumes his Vials of Corruption. This effect is removed if the disease is treated. This disease prevents the hero from getting any other disease.
Roster: The collection of all the player's hired heroes.
Salvaged Jewelry: A Relic typically found in the Treasury. Used to upgrade buildings on the Ship.
Set Bonus: Stat bonus received if both trinkets of that set are equipped on the same hero.
Shovel: A type of provision. Used to clear obstacles to prevent taking DMG and stress. Can be used in curio interactions.
Side Decks: Ship upgrades available for the Flameseeker.
Situation Report: A log of major events that occur on the ship each week. Can be accessed while in the Flameseeker.
Skeleton Key: A type of provision used on curios in dungeons.
Soul Leech: A special leech that can be used to extract the faith of an individual, turning them Faithless.
SPD: Short for "speed". Speed influences the order in which combatants act. Initiative is re-rolled each turn. Base value is 1-12, plus modifiers.
Tray stealth.png
Units with Stealth cannot be hit with direct attacks until Stealth expires or is negated with a hero skill. AOE attacks CAN hit stealthed units, though, as long as there is any not-stealthed target to target!
Tray afflicted.png
Accrues as heroes travel through dungeons and engage in combat. When a hero reaches 100 stress, they acquire either an Affliction or a Virtue. At 200 stress, the hero suffers a heart attack if afflicted, or lose their Virtue if virtued.
An effect that applies Shuffle over a specific amount of turns.
Poptext stun.png
An effect that forces the hero or enemy to pass on their next turn. Some stuns can last for an extended duration of time.
Stun Recovery: A buff a unit gets after recovering from a stun, which will grant them more resilience against future Stuns, consisting of both short-term duration buffs and a smaller, combat-long one.
Stun Resistance: Bonus towards resisting stunning attacks.
Symptom: An indication of a disease that a hero will get, if the symptom isn't tended to using a Disease Kit nor cured in the Clinic.
Torch: A type of provision. Used to increase the current torchlight within a dungeon.
Torchlight The amount of light in a dungeon. Adventuring in brightness is safer but less rewarding, while adventuring in darkness is more dangerous but more rewarding. Can be increased by using torches and some combat skills.
Trap Resistance:
Tray trap disarm.png
A bonus towards avoiding or disarming traps.
Troglodyte: The devolved creatures deep within the caverns, these insectoid savages practice sinister rituals and feast upon raw amber far below the surface. They wear down their opponents with overwhelming numbers rather than individual strength. Due to their blindness, they also completely ignore Stealth.
Valor Mark:
Valor mark currency icon.png
A relic found in Exposed Interior dungeons. Used to upgrade buildings on the ship.
A temporary condition of increased effectiveness that a hero acquires after passing an Affliction Check. Virtued heroes have buffs and may buff or otherwise increase the power of their allies.
Weapon: A type of equipment used by a hero to combat the dangers found in dungeons. A hero's weapon determines their base DMG, CRT, and SPD. Weapons can be upgraded at the Forge.
Wildlander: A matriarchal clan of nomadic warriors who worship Pagan gods and the pursuit of unmatched power. They fight with the utmost brutality and relentless onslaughts.


  • Not all Info Comms entries work exactly as they are described. For example, PROT is not mentioned to cap at 80% and heroes won't suffer a heart attack upon reaching 200 stress if they are virtuous.