Wildlander Hellion

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Wildlander Hellion
Wildlander Hellion.png
Enemy Type Wildlander/Human
Size Average (1)
Actions per round Turnticker.png
Has Corpse Yes
Variation Apprentice Veteran Champion Darkest
HP 34 49 68 71
Dodge 8% 18% 28% 32%
Protection 0% 0% 0% 0%
Speed 6 8 10 10
Tray stealth.png Stealth No No No No
Poptext stun.png Stun 40% 60% 80% 85%
Poptext blight.png Blight 25% 45% 65% 70%
Poptext bleed.png Bleed 40% 60% 80% 85%
Poptext debuffmark.png Debuff/Mark 20% 40% 60% 65%
Poptext move.png Move 30% 50% 70% 75%

Wildlander Hellion is a Wildlander/Human enemy encountered in the Exposed Interior.


The Hellion will use Fearsome YAWP! on the Prep icon.png Prep Round with an alternate effect.

Prep icon.png Fearsome YAWP! Poptext debuff.png Debuffs DMG and DODGE and does low Tray afflicted.png Stress. (Half of the base skill)

Fearsome YAWP! has a chance to Poptext stun.png Stun, does low Tray afflicted.png Stress and Poptext debuff.png Debuffs her DMG and SPD. It has a 2 turn cooldown.

Bleed Them Dry does high damage and a strong Poptext bleed.png Bleed. Its 0x/0.5x/1x/3x as likely to be used on the Hero with the lowest bleed resistance.

Wreck does moderate damage and Poptext debuff.png Debuffs her DMG and SPD.

Iron Swan does high damage and can only target rank 4. It has a 1 turn cooldown. This skill is slightly more likely to be used.

Fearsome YAWP! will not be used on the second turn.


Apprentice Level
Skill Name Range Rank Target Accuracy Crit
Damage Effect
Bleed Them Dry Melee 1, 2 1, 2 82.5% 5% 10-20
Bleed 100% Bleed 5
Wreck Melee 2, 3, 4 1+2+3 82.5% 0.8% 5-11
Debuff Debuff: -10% DMG, -1 SPD

Forward Forward 1
Steel Falcon Melee 1 4 82.5% 5% 9-19
Fearsome YAWP! Ranged 1, 2 1+2 90% 0% 0
Stress Stress +6

Stun 100% Stun
Debuff Debuff: -20% DMG, -3 SPD
Prep icon.png Fearsome YAWP! Melee 1, 2 1+2 90% 0% 0
Stress Stress +3

Debuff Debuff: -10% DMG, -7 DODGE
Prep icon.png Ignores Prep Round's ACC Reduction

Prep icon.png On Prep Round Only

Veteran Level
Skill Name Range Rank Target Accuracy Crit
Damage Effect
Bleed Them Dry Melee 1, 2 1, 2 92.5% 9% 14-27
Bleed 120% Bleed 7
Wreck Melee 2, 3, 4 1+2+3 92.5% 2.4% 9-17
Debuff Debuff: -10% DMG, -1 SPD

Forward Forward 1
Steel Falcon Melee 1 4 92.5% 9% 13-25
Fearsome YAWP! Ranged 1, 2 1+2 100% 0% 0
Stress Stress +8

Stun 120% Stun
Debuff Debuff: -20% DMG, -3 SPD
Prep icon.png Fearsome YAWP! Melee 1, 2 1+2 100% 0% 0
Stress Stress +4

Debuff Debuff: -15% DMG, -11 DODGE
Prep icon.png Ignores Prep Round's ACC Reduction

Prep icon.png On Prep Round Only

Champion Level
Skill Name Range Rank Target Accuracy Crit
Damage Effect
Bleed Them Dry Melee 1, 2 1, 2 102.5% 13% 19-37
Bleed 140% Bleed 10
Wreck Melee 2, 3, 4 1+2+3 102.5% 4% 12-25
Debuff Debuff: -10% DMG, -1 SPD

Forward Forward 1
Steel Falcon Melee 1 4 102.5% 13% 17-35
Fearsome YAWP! Ranged 1, 2 1+2 110% 0% 0
Stress Stress +10

Stun 140% Stun
Debuff Debuff: -20% DMG, -3 SPD
Prep icon.png Fearsome YAWP! Melee 1, 2 1+2 110% 0% 0
Stress Stress +5

Debuff Debuff: -20% DMG, -15 DODGE
Prep icon.png Ignores Prep Round's ACC Reduction

Prep icon.png On Prep Round Only

Darkest Level
Skill Name Range Rank Target Accuracy Crit
Damage Effect
Bleed Them Dry Melee 1, 2 1, 2 105.5% 14% 20-40
Bleed 150% Bleed 11
Wreck Melee 2, 3, 4 1+2+3 105.5% 4.4% 13-27
Debuff Debuff: -10% DMG, -1 SPD

Forward Forward 1
Steel Falcon Melee 1 4 105.5% 14% 19-37
Fearsome YAWP! Ranged 1, 2 1+2 113% 0% 0
Stress Stress +12

Stun 150% Stun
Debuff Debuff: -20% DMG, -3 SPD
Prep icon.png Fearsome YAWP! Melee 1, 2 1+2 113% 0% 0
Stress Stress +6

Debuff Debuff: -20% DMG, -15 DODGE
Prep icon.png Ignores Prep Round's ACC Reduction

Prep icon.png On Prep Round Only

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Contains spoilers for the Black Reliquary Twilight