Nucleic Core

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Nucleic Core
File:Nucleic Core.png
Enemy Class Cactonid/Eldritch
Size Average (1)
Actions per round Turnticker.png
Has Corpse No
HP 260
Dodge 35%
Protection 15%
Speed 8
Tray stealth.png Stealth No
Resistance icon stun.png Stun 100%
Resistance icon blight.png Blight 130%
Resistance icon bleed.png Bleed 110%
Resistance icon debuffmark.png Debuff/Mark 125%
Resistance icon move.png Move 350%

The Nucleic Core is a Cactonid/Eldritch Boss encountered in the Treasury. It is protected by a mass of Cactonid Thickets.

Helm: Nucleic Core

Reaching the Reliquary's gates will require more than some... gardening shears to cut through the Cactonid thickets. The Alraune guards the way. It is said to take the form of a mass of beautiful humans, fused to the pulpy flower-flesh. Not only is it a charybdian danger, it seems to guide and direct the Cacti around it.

~ The Captain


The gimmick of the Core fight is that its doesn't do much on its own, protected by 3 shifting Thickets with a combined health pool and different attacks and resistances. This is much like the Flesh fight.

The Core will use Take Root on the Prep icon.png Prep Round.

Take Root does 12 Tray afflicted.png Stress, applies Leeching.png Leeching and targets two Heroes. It has a 1 turn cooldown.

Hate of the Core does 4-7 damage, 25 Tray afflicted.png Stress and has a 140% chance to apply a +25% Stress received Poptext debuff.png Debuff. Its 2x as likely to target the Hero with the highest Stress.


Team Selection


Reasonable Choices

Discouraged Heroes


After completing theNucleic Core's quest, it will drop a bottle of sap and its eye as Spoils of the Reliquary.

  • -15% Stress Received
  • +20% Move Resist
  • +40% Damage Reflection when Guarding (Set)
  • +20% Blight Resist when Guarding (Set)
Nectar of the Deep
Nectar of the Deep.png
  • +15% Healing Received
  • On Being Hit: Debuff Target: -4 DODGE, -2 SPD (2 tns)
  • +40% Damage Reflection when Guarding (Set)
  • +20% Blight Resist when Guarding (Set)


Champion Level
Skill Name Range Rank Target Accuracy Crit
Damage Effect
Take Root Ranged 4 1, 2, 3, 4 108% 0% 0
Stress Stress +12

Leeching.png Applies Leeching to Target
Prep icon.png Ignores Prep Round's ACC Reduction

Double atk.png Attacks Two Targets Randomly
Hate of the Core Ranged 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 125% 22% 4-7
Stress Stress +25

Debuff 140% Debuff: +25% Stress Receieved
Prep icon.png Ignores Prep Round's ACC Reduction

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Contains spoilers for the Black Reliquary Black Reliquary
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